The Difference between an “Expert” and having Expertise – Marc MacYoung

There’s a difference between an ‘expert’ and expertise. One is knowing, the other is about being able to do. (A lot of people are experts about teaching about a subject, but aren’t actually doing what they’re teaching about). PART I How many self-defense experts have never used their skills? Nor are they in a field … [Read more…]

I Can’t Teach THAT! – Rory Miller

Kasey and I were talking about teaching, and teaching teaching, and about people. In any field there are some people that just don’t get “it.” Whatever “it” is for that field. There are some people who shouldn’t be cops. Sometimes because their emotionally vulnerability makes them unable to deal with manipulators, sometimes because their lack … [Read more…]

Recommended Media

Here are some posts, articles, videos, websites, blogs, documents, studies, and more that CRGI members recommend in no particular order. The name in parentheses is person who made the recommendation. Please submit your web link recommendation here: FLASHBANG BRA HOLSTER: FIRST IMPRESSIONS FROM A MALE INSTRUCTOR – Kathy Jackson Self-proclaimed ‘Thought Leader’ Gives Talk on … [Read more…]

Ignorance is not a sustainable paradigm in violence professions – Marc MacYoung

SSgt Grizzly Bear has a saying “Ignorance is not a sustainable paradigm in violence professions.”Unfortunately bad information from your instructor can (and will) get you killed, hospitalized, imprisoned or sued. While I hope and pray that nobody I teach ever has to use the information, I know that some of them will find themselves in … [Read more…]

It’s Complicated…

What is Your View of Self-Defense?   Self-Defense View #1. It’s simple. Self-defense is having to fight off someone who attacks you. Martial Arts teaches students how to fight. Thus, Self-Defense instruction is Martial Arts training. This limited view is epitomized by this video:   Self-Defense View #1A.  Self-defense is having to fight off someone … [Read more…]