Think You Know How to Stop School Shootings? Think Again! – Erik Kondo

  School shooting are a problem. Solving this problem requires some type of approach. Here are some commonly discussed and debated proposed solutions in no particular order: Pass stricter gun laws making it more difficult for potential shooters to obtain high powered weapons. Pass stricter laws on gun magazines making it more difficult for shooters … [Read more…]

Boundary Setting – Rory Miller

I’ve described boundary setting in both ConCom and Scaling Force, but I was recently informed that I haven’t written it down quite the way I teach it. So here goes. Setting a boundary is not a negotiation or a conversation. It is a very different communication mode than most people ever use. This is why most people find … [Read more…]

The Progressive Fence Digital Course

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What the United Airlines Incident Teaches Us about Boundary Setting – Erik Kondo

The recent incident of a passenger being forcibly removed from an airplane has created a firestorm of traditional and social media commentary. There has been lots of talk of passenger rights, laws, contracts, corporate profits, corporate responsibility, the use of force continuum, and more. What most people don’t seem to realize that this incident is … [Read more…]

Definitions: Strategy, Tactic, and Technique – Erik Kondo

  I recently asked people to provide their definitions of the terms, Strategy, Tactic, and Technique. The idea was to determine if there was a general agreement/consensus on the termonology. Here are the results. STRATEGY – “Is more macro, an overall approach to long-term success/goal achievement. “ – “Answers the “what” question” – “Overall plans … [Read more…]

The Specimen- A Case Study – Rory Miller

Got to watch an interesting specimen. In retrospect, I’ve seen them before, quite a lot actually. But this one was blatant enough to draw attention. Attention brings analysis. Have to unpack the language here, and talk about a couple of categories and some background concepts. Creepers are low-level sexual predators. The kind that harass and … [Read more…]

Boundary Setting for People with Disabilities – Erik Kondo and Sam de Leve

Boundary setting is a problem solving strategy that enables people to deal with and differentiate between awkward, rude, and dangerous people and situations. As people with disabilities, we are subject to boundary intrusions on a regular basis that stem from other people’s negative implicit bias regarding both our competence and vulnerability. Due to this bias, … [Read more…]