Eye Contact – Rory Miller

There is a lot of input on social rules for eye contact and there are profound gender differences and cultural differences.  Your history and depth of understanding will deeply affect how you use eye contact for communication. It is huge. But it’s not just an external thing.  Absolutely, people will read a message in my … [Read more…]

The Biggest Pre-Attack Indicator Of Them All – Marc MacYoung

People are always asking me about pre-attack indicators. Here is the #1 pre-attack indicator: YOU’RE BEING AN ASSHOLE! With that simple line, I figured out something that has been bothering me for years. Something that it took Conflict Communications (http://www.conflictcommunications.com ) to put into perspective. When it comes to violence, there has always been something … [Read more…]

Dealing with the “I’m offended” attacker – Marc MacYoung

Yes, I very specifically used the word ‘attacker’ in the title. That’s because when you strip away all the ideology, humanism and pseudo-sensitivity, certain people use being offended as a flat out act of aggression. First a list of foundational yada, yadas. Humans are social primates. We’re designed to function in groups. A big part … [Read more…]

Adrenaline Signs – Rory Miller

Most people can’t fight ‘cold’. They need the emotional edge of fear or anger to get over the taboos involved in hurting people. Not everyone, but almost everyone. Even very experienced fighters, whether good guys or bad guys, want to be “in the zone” just like any other athlete. Part of being in the zone … [Read more…]

Fear Management vs. Danger Management – Marc MacYoung

Let’s start with the fact that there’s a difference between fear management and danger management. I’m talking in extremes here, but it’s to communicate an idea. Let’s say you’re terrified of vampires. No amount of rational explanation that vampires don’t exist and aren’t a danger is going to help. That’s because ‘terror’ comes from a deeper … [Read more…]