
Profiling the Street Harasser is useful because it provides the Target and the Bystander a means for determining what type of harassing species they are dealing with. This knowledge helps take some of the fear out of the encounter. It also enables a vocabulary for conceptualizing and discussion.

The dynamics of all human conflict are based on power and control. This dynamic motivates Street Harassment too. It is only by understanding the immediate intention that the Target and the Bystander are able to formulate a response that is an appropriate and effective counter to the Harasser’s expectations and desires.

Public Voyuer

Public Voyeur – This person does a lot of staring, leering, takes a picture, etc.

The Harasser’s Intention is to engage in a Visual Fantasy.

He usually expects to be ignored.


The Creep

His very presence gives women “the creeps”. He usually knows it and uses this to his advantage.

The Harasser’s Intention is to engage in a Visual Fantasy.

He usually expects to be ignored.

Car Driving Baboon

Honks, hoots, and hollers at you as he drives by. A “hit and run” tactic.

The Harasser’s Intention to Seek Attention. He is forcing the Target to recognize his existence.

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Charmer Wannabe

Comes on too strong, does not listen to “No”, thinks he is “God’s gift to women, might follow you, engages in bantering and “compliments”.  Attempts to control the encounter.

The Harasser’s Intention to Seek Attention. He is forcing the Target to recognize his existence.

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Working Stiff

Harasses you while on the job. Looking for entertainment. Usually in a group.

The Harasser’s Intention to Seek Attention. He is forcing the Target to recognize his existence.

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Peacocking Showoff

Playing to the crowd. Looking to be the entertainment. Wants attention.

The Harasser’s Intention to Seek Attention. He is forcing the Target to recognize his existence.

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Dirty Old Man

You know him when you see him. Many times goes after the young and innocent.

The Harasser’s Intention is to Provoke a Reaction. Expects to be ignored or get an angry reaction.

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  • Old Man Touches Women on the Street

Drunken Asshole

Has alcohol fueled courage, no inhibitions, exhibits poor judgment, etc. Sometimes starts out as the Charmer Wannabe.

The Harasser’s Intention is to Provoke a Reaction. Expects to be ignored or get an angry reaction.

Crude Oaf

Makes vulgar and disgusting comments directly to or about you.

The Harasser’s Intention is to Provoke a Reaction. Expects to be ignored or get an angry reaction.

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The Pervert

Engages in flashing and public masturbation like activities, etc.

The Harasser’s Intention is Self-Pleasure. Uses his repulsive behavior to control the situation at the expense of his Target.

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Touchy Feeler

Gets close to women and tries to rub against or touch them inappropriately whenever possible. Utilizes public transportation to his advantage. Can be sneaky or obvious.

The Harasser’s Intention is Self-Pleasure. Uses his repulsive behavior to control the situation or for his own benefit.

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Overgrown Bully

Uses threatening, derogatory, angry language, impulsive behavior, etc.

The Harasser’s Intention is Fear & Intimidation. Uses the threat of violence to control the situation.

Anti-Social Intimidator

Uses violence as a tool at the slightest provocation. He is dangerous.

The Harasser’s Intention is Fear & Intimidation. Uses the threat of violence to control the situation.

Predatory Stalker

Follows the Target seeking opportunity for further victimization.

The Harasser’s Intention is Predatory Testing. He is actively looking to find a suitable victim.

Opportunistic Predator

Harassment is used as a means to test/interview for potential victimization. He sometimes uses the techniques of the Charmer Wannabe. He is dangerous and needs to be deterred with the use of strong physical assertiveness.

The Harasser’s Intention is Predatory Testing. He is actively looking to find a suitable victim.