This is your home page for tracking your participation and progress in taking CRGI Courses. Upon successful completion of each course, you will be able to download a Certificate for future use. These courses are FREE for CRGI Members.
CRGI White Belt Courses:
These courses form the basis for understanding conflict management and self-defense. What you learn here can be applied to all systems, methodologies, and styles of self-defense regardless of origin.
Successful completion of these four courses = Yellow Belt Status.
[wpcourse_enroll courses=”4,2,7,3″ enroll_text=”Click to enroll and refresh your screen.” /]
[wpcourse_progress courses = “4,2,7,3” user_progress=”true” user_grade=”false” certificate=”true”/]
CRGI Yellow Belt Courses
This mixed media courses enhance your basic understanding of conflict management and self-defense.
Successful completion of these courses = Orange Belt Status.
[wpcourse_enroll courses=”8,1,9, 10″ enroll_text=”Click to enroll and refresh. Yellow Belt required.” /]
[wpcourse_progress courses = “8,1,9, 10″ user_progress=”true” user_grade=”false” certificate=”true”/]
CRGI Orange Belt Courses
Successful completion of these courses = Green Belt Status.
[wpcourse_enroll courses=”12,17,18,19,21″ enroll_text=”Click to enroll and refresh. Orange Belt required.” /]
[wpcourse_progress courses = “12,17,18,19,21” user_progress=”true” user_grade=”false” certificate=”true”/]
CRGI Green Belt Courses (Currently under construction)
[wpcourse_enroll courses=”20,22,23,24,25,27,28″ enroll_text=”Click to enroll and refresh. Orange Belt required.” /]
[wpcourse_progress courses = “20,22,23,24,25,27,28” user_progress=”true” user_grade=”false” certificate=”true”/]
Successful completion of these courses = Blue Belt Status.