Domain Knowledge (DK) is having the knowledge and skills to deal with/operate in the specific Environment and to be capable of protecting yourself and others (within reason). It is here that understanding criminal behavior is critical. A major portion of DK is having both EK and RK. It takes EK to derive RK. It takes RK to develop the competency of DK. DK is what most people think of as “how to do self-defense”. What they don’t “see” is the underlying knowledge of when to do something, what to do, why to do it, where to do it, and against whom, or not against whom, and when it works, when it doesn’t, and what to do next.
Here are some examples:
Learning ‘good self-defense material’ – Marc MacYoung
Winning the Superbowl of Violence – Marc MacYoung
Fear, Holes In Training And The Last Length of Bridge – Marc MacYoung
Pride, self-defense and self-control – Marc MacYoung
Thoughts from Darkside – Clint Overland
Understanding “Bar Fights” – Clint Overland and Erik Kondo
How Not to get Stabbed – Rory Miller
Crime is a Process – Marc MacYoung
Ruminations of an old bouncer – Marc MacYoung
The Five Stages of Violent Crime – Marc MacYoung