Self Defense Safety Tip with Marc MacYoung - Staying Safe with Alain Burrese
Street Safe How To Avoid Becoming A Victim
Marc MacYoung Talk
Blood, Urine, Feces
Marc McYoung Seminar Bristol 2013
Self Defense Safety Tip with Marc MacYoung - Staying Safe with Alain Burrese
Self-defense author Marc MacYoung shared a safety tip with friend and fellow self-defense author Alain Burrese. -
Street Safe How To Avoid Becoming A Victim
Crime avoidance tips with Marc Mac Young -
Marc MacYoung Talk
Marc MacYoung group talk. -
Blood, Urine, Feces
Vintage MacYoung. -
The first evening we had Marc 'Animal' MacYoung, we did did the Rattlesnake. Cool drill where anything could be introduced. Unfortunately, no one was manning the camera to pan in on the action. The end round had me on the ground and Greg standing with me in an ankle lock. My other foot was free, so I kicked him in the face a couple of times and somehow ended up with one of his knives. I then rapidly stabbed him in the groin. Good times. -
Marc McYoung Seminar Bristol 2013
Marc McYoung Seminar Bristol 2013