Non-CRGI Handouts


Crimes Against Persons with Disabilities

Persons with disabilities are victimized by crime at much higher rates than the rest of the population, and they are often targeted specifically because of their disabilities.

Intimate partner violence and alcohol

Strong links have been found between alcohol use and the occur-­ rence of intimate partner violence in many countries. Evidence suggests that alcohol use increases the occurrence and severity of domestic violence.


Experts believe that domestic violence occurs in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community with the same amount of frequency and severity as in the heterosexual community.

National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) is an ongoing, nationally representative telephone survey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that collects detailed information on intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual violence (SV), and stalking victimization. T

Department of Justice Crime Rate for PWDs.

WASHINGTON – In 2013, the rate of violent crime against persons with disabilities (36 per 1,000) was more than twice the age-adjusted rate for persons without disabilities (14 per 1,000), the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) announced today. Age-adjusted rates were used because persons with disabilities were generally older than persons without disabilities.

Bullying and Children and Youth with Disabilities and Special Health Needs

Children with physical, developmental, intellectual, emotional, and sensory disabilities are more likely to be bullied than their peers. Any number of factors— physical vulnerability, social skill challenges, or intolerant environments— may increase their risk. Research suggests that some children with disabilities may bully others as well.

Sexual Violence

Results from a nationally representative survey of adults.

Things You Should Know About Boundary Setting

Understanding Teen Dating Violence

Dating violence is a type of intimate partner violence. It occurs between two people in a close relationship. The nature of dating violence can be physical, emotional, or sexual

What You Need to Know About Sex Offenders in Your Community

Few things frighten a community more than learning that a sex offender has moved into the neighborhood. With more than 740,000 currently registered sex offenders in our nation, community members are often anxious to know what they can do to protect their families. However, there is much misinformation and confusion as to the community’s role regarding sex offender management.

Tips for protecting child athletes from Sexual Abuse

Every child athlete deserves a safe and fun sports experience. Use these tips to help your child have one.

Youth Violence

Facts at a glance.

Preventing the Sexual Exploitation of Children

The words sexual exploitation evoke a number of reactions and feelings. Perhaps one of the most devastating is silence — our inability or unwillingness as a society to speak about this horrific problem. This silence may impact a child who has been sexually exploited. Children may be frightened or intimidated into not telling.

Understanding Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is an intentional act or failure to act that causes or creates a risk of harm to an older adult. An older adult is someone age 60 or older. The abuse occurs at the hands of a caregiver or a person the elder trusts.

When Your Child Is Missing: A Family Survival Guide

Nothing is more important to parents than the safety and welfare of their children. When a child disappears, it is critically important for parents to know that there are resources readily available to help. Law enforcement officers, agencies with expertise in recovering missing children, family members, and neighbors are only some of the people who will do everything in their power to help in the search for a missing child.

Missing-Child, Emergency-Response, Quick-Reference Guide for Families

This Checklist was created and published by NCMEC and is to be given to families by law enforcement during an emergency response to a report of a missing or abducted child. NCMEC, at 1-800-THE-LOST® (1-800-843-5678) or, offers a wealth of resources to assist families and law enforcement in the search for a missing or abducted child or cases involving the sexual exploitation of a child.