The 5D’s of Self-Defense is a framework created by Erik Kondo to help people make sense of self-defense. Most people think of self-defense in terms of tips, advice, and physical techniques. The 5D’s illustrates that all self-defense concepts can be divided into three stages of Prevention (before), Intervention (during), and Mitigation (after).
The 5D’s of Self-Defense are used by numerous self-defense instructors and police organizations in conjunction with their self-defense education and training.
This Learning MAP will show you how the 5D’s of Self-Defense provides you a strategy for minimizing the consequences of unwanted aggression and creating peace of mind.
Download the 2 page printable handout on the 5D’s of Self-Defense.
Download the e-Booklet Making Sense of Self-Defense by using the 5D’s of Self-Defense.
View the 5D’s of Self-Defense as a Prezi Presentation.
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