At CRGI, we believe that problem solving starts with research, information, and education about the subject. This is the first step in making sound decisions. Here are some tools to help YOU decide.

USA: First in World in Gun Ownership – Not Even in Top 100 Countries for Murder Rate Read more at ht

Veterans should lead push for more secure gun laws

A Teacher's Stance ON GUN VIOLENCE

The Paradox in America's Treatment of Gun Violence

The Case for More Guns (and More Gun Control)

The case for gun rights is stronger than you think

Gun violence in America, in 17 maps and charts

America's gun problem, explained

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Gun Violence Archive

Guns and Violence in the United States, By the Numbers

List of Gun Rights Organizations

Why the “Gun Violence Archive” Is Flawed From the Start

Second Amendment Foundation

National Association for Gun Rights

Violence Policy Center

Harvard Injury Control Research Center

Gun debate muzzles the middle ground

The Truth About Guns

Gun debate should focus on middle ground: Regina Brett

Pro-Fun Arguments vs. Anti-Gun Arguments

The Riddle of the Gun

Hinkle: Honest talk about guns

12 Times Mass Shootings Were Stopped by Good Guys With Guns Read more:

7 Gun Control Myths That Just Won’t Die

A World Without Guns Be forewarned: It’s not a pretty picture

If you believe in gun control, this is probably not for you..

Guns don't offer protection – whatever the National Rifle Association says

Needed: Domestic Disarmament, Not 'Gun Control'

American Prospect

How to Win an Argument With a Gun Nut EVERY Time!

Refuting Anti-Gun Control Arguments

4 Pro-Gun Arguments We're Sick of Hearing


The Firing Line

Easy Bake Gun Club

Guns Save Lives

Guns & Ammo

US Concealed Carry

National Rife Association

Gun Owners of America

National Gun Victim Action Council

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence

Brady Campaign

Moms Demand Action


The Trace

Center for Gun Policy and Research
USA: First in World in Gun Ownership – Not Even in Top 100 Countries for Murder Rate Read more at ht
Whittle rightly points out that America tops the list of guns per capita. There are 90 guns per every 100 people. Not only does this arsenal among the American people make it a force to be reckoned with against those who would seek to dominate the US population, but these weapons are the means of fighting against tyranny and oppression. Read more at -
Veterans should lead push for more secure gun laws
ut I have always been perplexed by the knee-jerk opposition of some veterans to any mention of gun control. After all, the military’s standards for weapons safety are exceptionally high. Marine recruits train for weeks before ever firing a weapon, and must pass a fairly extensive background check before reporting to boot camp. -
A Teacher's Stance ON GUN VIOLENCE
American educators are standing up in growing numbers to express their outrage about gun violence and demand tighter gun control laws. The nation’s teachers refuse to see their classrooms turned into a battlefield by the NRA and the gun lobby, and they refuse to put their students and the nation’s future at risk. -
The Paradox in America's Treatment of Gun Violence
Where we worry most, we can help the least; and where we could help most, we care the least. Stopping gun violence is all about knowing where to start. -
The Case for More Guns (and More Gun Control)
The Century 16 Cineplex in Aurora, Colorado, stands desolate behind a temporary green fence, which was raised to protect the theater from prying eyes and mischief-makers. The parking lots that surround the multiplex are empty—weeds are pushing through the asphalt—and the only person at the theater when I visited a few weeks ago was an enervated Aurora police officer assigned to guard the site. -
The case for gun rights is stronger than you think
On NBC's "Meet the Press" this past Sunday, I was asked how we can make our schools safer and prevent another massacre like Sandy Hook from happening again. I suggested that if one person in the school had been armed and trained to handle a firearm, it might have prevented or minimized the massacre. -
Gun violence in America, in 17 maps and charts
America is an exceptional country when it comes to guns. It's one of the few countries in which the right to bear arms is constitutionally protected, and presidential candidates in other nations don't cook bacon with guns. But America's relationship with guns is unique in another crucial way: Among developed nations, the US is far and away the most violent — in large part due to the easy access many Americans have to firearms. These charts and maps show what that violence looks like compared with the rest of the world, why it happens, and why it's such a tough problem to fix -
America's gun problem, explained
On Wednesday, it happened again: There was a mass shooting — this time, in San Bernardino, California. And once again on Sunday, President Barack Obama called for measures that make it harder for would-be shooters to buy deadly firearms. This type of shooting has become what seems like a regular news occurrence in America. In October, a few hours after the Umpqua Community College shooting, Obama yet again took the lectern to address the nation on yet another mass shooting in America, and he made no effort to hide his anger and frustration at this very American routine. -
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
Three primary goals drive the Washington-based human-rights group Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO): Destroy so-called “gun control” (code words for disarming innocent people). Expose the misguided notions that lead people to seek out so-called “gun control”. Encourage Americans to understand and defend all of the Bill of Rights for all citizens. The Second Amendment is the “Guardian” of the Bill of Rights. -
Gun Violence Archive
The Gun Violence Archive is an online archive of gun violence incidents collected from over 1,200 media, government and commercial sources daily in an effort to provide near-real time data about the results of gun violence. -
Guns and Violence in the United States, By the Numbers
As the anniversary of the Newtown shooting approaches, the usual gun control advocacy organizations are gearing up their propaganda campaigns to try and convince us that guns make us less safe, and that the only “common sense” solution to the “gun violence epidemic” is gun control. But as we’ve proven time and again here on this website (and cataloged for you in our Gun Facts section), that’s just not the case. -
List of Gun Rights Organizations
I didn't see a reference here so I thought I'd put one together. Post suggestions and comments in this thread and I'll keep the original post updated. Please suggest groups outside of the USA too. The purpose of this thread is to create a good list of organizations, not a long list, so please help keep the quality of the list high. For example, there are other gun rights groups within Virginia, but the VCDL is the only one of any impact currently so it is the only one listed. -
Why the “Gun Violence Archive” Is Flawed From the Start
The problem with gun control activists’ stance is that it isn’t backed by any actual hard numbers. They try to massage the figures to make them more emotionally appealing, but the fact remains that virtually every statistic proves the idea that — at the very least — guns are not the problem. With public opinion shifting against them, one group has now decided to try to make it seem that the numbers really are in their favor with a website they’ve dubbed the “Gun Violence Archive.” There’s just one problem: their methodology is flawed from the start . . . -
Second Amendment Foundation
The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is dedicated to promoting a better understanding about our Constitutional heritage to privately own and possess firearms. To that end, we carry on many educational and legal action programs designed to better inform the public about the gun control debate. -
National Association for Gun Rights
About NAGR With our rapidly expanding membership of 3.5 million grassroots activists, The National Association for Gun Rights has led the charge to halt the radical anti-gun agenda across the nation. Accepting no compromise on the issue of gun control, NAGR works tirelessly to hold politicians accountable for their anti-gun views, and have made great strides in protecting and preserving the Second Amendment. But our effectiveness in the battle against the gun grabbers depends entirely on the support of gun rights supporters like you. -
Violence Policy Center
Harvard Injury Control Research Center
Firearms Research -
Gun debate muzzles the middle ground
ORLANDO, FLA. — Two years ago, Florida enacted a law that allows anyone who feels threatened anywhere to use deadly force. Today the National Rifle Association (NRA) is shepherding similar laws through legislatures across the country. The so-called Castle Doctrine extended the notion of a man's home being his castle to public streets being his castle. When the law first went into effect in October 2005, the nation's most prominent gun-control group, the Brady Campaign, decided to fight back. Sort of. -
The Truth About Guns
Robert Farago founded The Truth About Guns in February of 2010 to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns. The TTAG team’s been at it ever since. We’ve built the site on word-of-mouth, strong writing, and a no-holds-barred attitude. -
Gun debate should focus on middle ground: Regina Brett
The problem isn't guns. The problem is fear. At the root of nearly every argument for or against gun limits, at the root of every plea for or against gun rights, is fear. -
Pro-Fun Arguments vs. Anti-Gun Arguments
The Riddle of the Gun
Fantasists and zealots can be found on both sides of the debate over guns in America. On the one hand, many gun-rights advocates reject even the most sensible restrictions on the sale of weapons to the public. On the other, proponents of stricter gun laws often seem unable to understand why a good person would ever want ready access to a loaded firearm. Between these two extremes we must find grounds for a rational discussion about the problem of gun violence. -
Hinkle: Honest talk about guns
A. Barton Hinkle Vester Lee Flanagan’s brutal murder of two young WDBJ news people has reignited the debate over gun control. That debate, which never really ends, is deeply frustrating to both sides because of a conundrum that does not get talked about enough: The most popular gun control proposals would have little effect, while the most effective measures would be immensely unpopular. -
12 Times Mass Shootings Were Stopped by Good Guys With Guns Read more:
7 Gun Control Myths That Just Won’t Die
After every shooting, politicians and activists rush to the cameras or their keyboards to tell people exactly what should be done to stop mass shootings in the future. Gun control proponents demand more gun control. Gun rights advocates dig in their heels and explain why new laws won’t stop evil people from doing evil things, especially when current laws aren’t adequately enforced -
A World Without Guns Be forewarned: It’s not a pretty picture
magine the world without guns" was a bumper sticker that began making the rounds after the murder of ex-Beatle John Lennon on December 18, 1980. Last year, Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono, followed up on that sentiment by announcing she would become a spokeswoman for Handgun Control, Inc. (which later changed its name to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, and which was previously named the National Council to Control Handguns). So let's try hard to imagine what a world without guns would look like. It isn't hard to do. But be forewarned: It's not a pretty picture. -
If you believe in gun control, this is probably not for you..
The fantastic list below – from our friends at List Verse – lays out ten of the best arguments against “gun control.” We’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below. -
Guns don't offer protection – whatever the National Rifle Association says
"The one thing a violent rapist deserves is to face is a good woman with a gun!" That was Wayne LaPierre, executive director of the National Rifle Association, the standard bearers for America's gun lobby, making the case that personal firearms prevent rape. The assertion that guns offer protection is a mantra the NRA has repeated often. In the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting, LaPierre opined: "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun", insisting that schools should have armed guards. -
Needed: Domestic Disarmament, Not 'Gun Control'
In response to the almost daily mass shootings in the United States -- which could be expected to rise now that they are also promoted by ISIS -- good progressive persons are calling for some measure of gun control. They may well know, in their heart of hearts, that even if these measures are enacted, they will do little to reduce gun violence. -
American Prospect
There has been yet another mass shooting, something that now seems to occur on a monthly basis. Every time another tragedy like this occurs, gun advocates make the same arguments about why we can't possibly do anything to restrict the weaponization of our culture. Here's a guide to what they'll be saying in the coming days: -
How to Win an Argument With a Gun Nut EVERY Time!
Home • Op-Ed • How to Win an Argument With a Gun Nut EVERY Time! How to Win an Argument With a Gun Nut EVERY Time! Posted by: Richard Rowe in Op-Ed, The Gun Control Debate November 15, 2013 2.7k SHARES FacebookTwitter I’m a gun owner and enthusiast. My owning/firing credentials include everything from AK-47, AR-15, SPAS-12 and Dragunov to Barrett 50 cal, an original German Sturmgewehr, pistols, a couple of flamethrowers, and at least one radio-controlled A-10 equipped with a site camera and full-auto BB gun. We called it “The PredaHog.” Call it a byproduct of having been raised in Central Florida, or maybe just a gearhead affinity for machines of purpose — but I do love cool weapons. -
Refuting Anti-Gun Control Arguments
The recent rash of mass shootings in the United States is simply part of a long-term trend of gun violence unique to our country. The Sandy Hook school shooting is tragic—it caused the death of 20 children—but the true tragedy is that such a shooting is only the tip of the iceberg of our country’s gun problem. -
4 Pro-Gun Arguments We're Sick of Hearing
Another day, another horrible mass shooting. This one was in the small town of Roseburg, Oregon, on the Umpqua Community College campus. More than two dozen people were reportedly hit with gunfire. -
Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. -
The Firing Line
For about 100 years, there have been forces at work trying to undo everything our Framers put in place. These forces range in scope and source, but have the same common goal, to destroy America. Attacks on our traditions cannot stand, and will not be tolerated. The Editor holds no political office, belongs to no political party, and endorses no candidates. You might say I'm a conservative Libertarian, believing that government exists only to protect our rights, not infringe upon them. Fight to Preserve Our Rights Where Our Government Has failed.. -
Easy Bake Gun Club was created to be the online presence of the Florida original chapter of the Easy Bake Gun Club. The club was started by 3 neighbors who coincidentally all happen to enjoy going to the gun range and shooting different kinds of guns. We practice gun safety and gun fun. While some of our trips to the range are designed to increase our technical prowess with firearms, other trips are about nothing more than chucking rounds down range from new and interesting guns. It was this desire to shoot more guns that made us realize we needed to start keeping track of the guns we shoot. This prompted us to create an online gun database that we can use to track guns we want to shoot and guns we already have -
Guns Save Lives also provides up to the minute news related to Second Amendment rights, the firearms industry, shooting sports, and self defense news stories involving firearms. -
Guns & Ammo
US Concealed Carry
If you’re like me, you believe that self-defense is a natural-born right. This website is for people like us, people who are willing to carry a concealed weapon to protect their loved ones. Now, get ready for some goosebumps, a little disbelief, and a whole lot of good-old-fashioned, American pride! -
National Rife Association
Dismayed by the lack of marksmanship shown by their troops, Union veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate formed the National Rifle Association in 1871. The primary goal of the association would be to "promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis," according to a magazine editorial written by Church. After being granted a charter by the state of New York on November 17, 1871, the NRA was founded. Civil War Gen. Ambrose Burnside, who was also the former governor of Rhode Island and a U.S. senator, became the fledgling NRA's first president. -
Gun Owners of America
Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. GOA was founded in 1975 by Sen. H.L. (Bill) Richardson (now retired). Richardson continues to serve as the Chairman of Gun Owners of America, bringing his many years of political experience to the leadership of GOA. Richardson is also an avid hunter and outdoorsman. -
National Gun Victim Action Council
National Gun Victims Action Council (NGVAC) is a non-profit network of 14 million gun victims, survivors, the faith community and ordinary people. Our approach is strategic and utilizes economic levers, novel legal strategies and the involvement of corporations to pursue sane gun laws. -
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) is a 501(c)(4) organization that was founded in 1974. We seek to secure freedom from gun violence through research, strategic engagement and effective policy advocacy. Our organizational structure is unique among national gun violence prevention organizations. CSGV is composed of 47 national organizations working to reduce gun violence. Our coalition members include religious organizations, child welfare advocates, public health professionals, and social justice organizations. This diversity of member organizations allows us to reach a wide variety of grassroots constituencies who share our vision of non-violence. -
Brady Campaign
The mission of the Brady organization is to create a safer America for all of us that will lead to a dramatic reduction in gun deaths and injuries. Of the 32,000 people who die from gun violence in this country each year, how many could be saved? Brady has announced the bold goal to cut the number of U.S. gun deaths in half by 2025, based on an innovative and exciting strategy that centers on the idea of keeping guns out of the wrong hands through three impact-driven, broadly engaging campaigns: (1) a policy focus to "Finish the Job" so that life-saving Brady background checks are applied to all gun sales; (2) to "Stop 'Bad Apple' Gun Dealers" – the 5 percent of gun dealers that supply 90 percent of all crime guns; and (3) to lead a new national conversation and change social norms around the real dangers of guns in the home, to prevent the homicides, suicides, and unintentional shootings that happen every day as a result. -
Moms Demand Action
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is a non-partisan grassroots movement to mobilize moms and families to advocate for stronger gun laws. Our common-sense, middle-ground solutions to the escalating problem of gun violence in America are straightforward. We are moms, aunts, sisters, grandparents, dads, brothers, uncles, and friends, and we want you to join us! -
The Trace
The Trace is an independent, nonprofit media organization dedicated to expanding coverage of guns in the United States. We bring an admitted bias to our beat: We believe that this country’s rates of firearm-related deaths and injuries — an average of 88 lives lost per day, with another 196 people suffering nonfatal bullet wounds — are far too high. But as journalists, our work is focused on a second, related problem. There is a relative shortage of information on the issue, a shortage caused in part by the gun lobby’s efforts to squash gun-violence research and limit law-enforcement data. We take it as our mission to address that information deficit through daily reporting, investigations, analysis, and commentary on the policy, politics, culture, and business of guns in America. -
Center for Gun Policy and Research
The Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research is dedicated to reducing gun-related injuries and deaths through the application of strong research methods and public health principles. Its faculty have pioneered innovative strategies for reducing gun violence, and achieved a national reputation for high-quality, policy-relevant research.