Commentary on: 10 Reasons False Rape Accusations are Common – Marc MacYoung


10 Reasons False Rape Accusations are Common


My first rule about discussing the subject is: There are no numbers about rape that are worth wiping your ass with.

The closest thing to a solid number comes from the Uniform Crime Report put out by the FBI. These are the reported, reported raped (no
I didn’t stutter) as provided to the FBI by police departments across the country.…/crime…/violent-crime/forcible-rape

And EVERYBODY knows they are low. This even though the UCR is now included attempted rapes and assault with intent to commit rape. The big unknown — and why no reports are useful even as toilet paper — is: How low?

Oh, BTW, the reason for the ‘reported reported’ is there is a certain degree of pressure on departments when it comes to accurate reporting of crimes. Like just because you reported it to the police, doesn’t mean the department is going to want to admit how much shit went down in a town or University. High crime numbers and people don’t want to come there and spend their money. This makes the ‘powers that be’… unhappy. Soooooo broom, rug, problem solved.

Second rule is a quote from Peter Schumpeter “The first thing a man will do for his ideals is lie.” So as not to be sexist, repeat that line with ‘woman’ instead of ‘man.’

I tell people that teaching self-defense is a business. A business where often people are not interested in because they don’t feel the need. The thing is, self-defense is a much more broad spectrum than just rape. Like the numbers of 2011 were robberies 354,396, homicides 12,765 and 751,131 aggravated assaults. Forcible rapes were 83,425. Which gives us 1,118,292 other violent crimes. With a bit of division we come to the fact that you’re 13 times more likely to face other kinds of violent crime. So when I say “people don’t feel the need” that’s talking about rape not even making up 10% of all violent crime. (Oh yeah, and not only are the FBI’s numbers known to be low, but they don’t include minor assaults and kidnapping. But more importantly they don’t include all the violent crime NOT reported to the police. There is all kinds of things among criminals, drug addicts and in bars that are not reported.)

The relevance of the Schumpeter quote is with many, rape is a career.. Susan Brownmiller made her living off the subject. Between lobbying, ‘education’ and counseling, there are many ways to make a career off the victims of rape. And I do actually mean the victims of rape. But that career is long term guaranteed and funding is enhanced by inflating numbers to convince people rape numbers are at a crisis. And as a crisis, something must be done. Like passing draconian laws and policies, redefining ‘rape,’ lowering the standards of proof, ‘education’ of prosecutors and investigators about how to get convictions and — my personal favorite — insisting on ‘education’ that by undergoing you’re now defenseless if dragged before a tribunal (instead of being reported to the police).

That is unfortunately what is actually happening with the business of rape. Rapes themselves are a terrible thing. But quite frankly a lot of what is going on is more about the business than actual rapes.

A huge part of protecting these vested interests is insisting that false reports are less common than they are. And yes, it’s arguable that with the redefinition of rape to the point that drunk sex is now rape, the incidents of false reporting have gone down. (Drunk sex is now legally rape where such statutes exist). Conversely, it’s also equally arguable that with the lowering of the standards, whether it was rape or not, you can get a conviction.

Oh BTW, my use of the UCR dates backs to the ’80s. For decades they reported as a yearly average 10% of all reports were found to be without merit. (False reports). Oddly enough that number is no longer so easy to find these days in the UCR.

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