Bullet Size and Other Considerations – Marc MacYoung


I got dragged into a debate about 9mm vs. 40. My response that a pistol is not a defense weapon really got them going. Here’s some things to chew on…

Start with the fact that when you are legally and morally justified to use a pistol, someone is in the middle of trying to kill you.

That means you’re facing incoming lethal force, you need to do something about it OTHER than obsess on having the bigger outbound lethal force. You have to do something to keep his from landing. Otherwise you’re just trading damage.

The Tueller Drill is a fascinating, revealing and valuable way to introduce people to the complexities, issues and variables of just one aspect of lethal force. YAY! Tueller Drill.

You do it once and your brain starts chugging. You do it 10 times and more and more issues crop up that you
a- didn’t see the first time
b – you HAVE to address (if you don’t want to get gutted like a fish)

Here’s a problem. Most people do it once, then reduce the whole complex issue to the soundbite/cliche/gross oversimplication of “the 21 foot rule.” It’s a “Here’s a magic pill that will do everything for you so you don’t have to think.”

ANY bullet is going to work. The question is, “Is it going to work fast enough?”

Well that depends on lots and lots of factors, starting with shot placement — and only getting more complicated and variable from there.

A simple rephrasing of the question sheds incredibly important light on the subject.
Instead of asking “What caliber of bullet is the best to stop someone?”
start asking:
“What can I do to stay alive while waiting for the bullet(s) I put into him to take effect?”
Sure you want it to take effect faster, that’s a given. But the last question works better — no matter the caliber

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One Bullet Can Kill, But Sometimes 20 Don’t

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