Just-Right Communication Enables Just-Right Enforcement – Erik Kondo

Just-Right Communication

The goal of effective boundary setting is to eliminate violations. Violations are eliminated by the creation of Respect. Respect is created by Just-Right Enforcement. In order to create Just-Right Enforcement, Just-Right Communication is required.

Just-Right Communication enables Just-Right Enforcement because
1. It is NOT Under-Communication which creates confusion about the rules.
2. It is NOT Over-Communication which creates a Backlash against the rules.
3. It is an effective method of conveying the rules and also the consequences of breaking the rules.

Just-Right Communication is informative. It reduces misunderstandings about the rules. When there is Just-Right Communication, potential Violators and Beholders understand what the rules are. They understand how the rules will be enforced. Therefore, it is less likely that enforcement actions will be viewed as either Under-Enforcement or Over-Enforcement, and more likely that enforcement will be viewed as Just-Right or appropriate for the situation.
Regardless of whether Just-Right Communication comes from society or if it comes from individuals, it is an essential part of boundary setting. For individuals, Just-Right Communication is essentially assertive communication. It is neither passive nor aggressive. It is declaratory. It is clear. When communication is used effectively, it reduces the need for enforcement.

People and societies which habitually have their boundaries encroached upon and violated usually do not practice effective communication. Either they habitually engage in Under-Communication or they engage in Over-Communication. There is not an exact formula for what constitutes effective communication. Every situation will determine the most effective level of communication. The level may vary as the situation varies. Learning to execute Just-Right Communication is an important step in boundary setting by ultimately reducing violations through the creation of respect.

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