The Biggest Pre-Attack Indicator Of Them All – Marc MacYoung

People are always asking me about pre-attack indicators. Here is the #1 pre-attack indicator: YOU’RE BEING AN ASSHOLE! With that simple line, I figured out something that has been bothering me for years. Something that it took Conflict Communications ( ) to put into perspective. When it comes to violence, there has always been something … [Read more…]

Dealing with the “I’m offended” attacker – Marc MacYoung

Yes, I very specifically used the word ‘attacker’ in the title. That’s because when you strip away all the ideology, humanism and pseudo-sensitivity, certain people use being offended as a flat out act of aggression. First a list of foundational yada, yadas. Humans are social primates. We’re designed to function in groups. A big part … [Read more…]