Ignorance is not a sustainable paradigm in violence professions – Marc MacYoung

SSgt Grizzly Bear has a saying “Ignorance is not a sustainable paradigm in violence professions.”Unfortunately bad information from your instructor can (and will) get you killed, hospitalized, imprisoned or sued. While I hope and pray that nobody I teach ever has to use the information, I know that some of them will find themselves in … [Read more…]

Hyper-Advocates and Two Types of Problem Solving Methodologies – Erik Kondo

There are many ways in which people try to solve problems in their lives and in the world. But, there are two widely used methods that take completely opposite approaches. The method used is usually a function of the person’s Locus of Control. Internal Locus Problem Solving (ILPS)- Someone with an Internal Locus of Control … [Read more…]

Blame and Responsibility Are Not Mutually Exclusive – Erik Kondo

Let’s take a look at the following accepted and politically correct phrasing used when referring to sexual assault. “Rape and all forms of sexual assault are completely unacceptable, no matter the circumstances and is *never* the fault of the victim.” Finding fault and placing blaming is a societal construct. These terms are used for assigning … [Read more…]

“Survivors” – Marc MacYoung

I have a serious problem with the abuse of the word ‘survivor.’ Well, more specifically people who have extremely limited experience with violence trying to ’empower victims’ by calling them survivors. See thing about being a survivor is there’s this little complication called death. As in, you die if you don’t get off your ass … [Read more…]