Social Scripts – Marc MacYoung

Social Scripts are ritualized social behaviors that help us navigate through life. They can range from complex falling in love or success stories to fast ‘micro-scripts’ like saying “excuse me” as you reach past someone in the grocery store. That seems like nothing but there is a complex set of ritualized actions and counter actions. … [Read more…]

STFU – Marc MacYoung

  Here’s an example of what we think we know: Weak and fearful body language attracts predators. It’s a green light to them. That concept is a staple of self-defense training. It makes sense, too. Be afraid and look like a victim, and you’ll be selected. So now you know how not to be selected … [Read more…]

The Biggest Pre-Attack Indicator Of Them All – Marc MacYoung

People are always asking me about pre-attack indicators. Here is the #1 pre-attack indicator: YOU’RE BEING AN ASSHOLE! With that simple line, I figured out something that has been bothering me for years. Something that it took Conflict Communications ( ) to put into perspective. When it comes to violence, there has always been something … [Read more…]

Why I despise “I’d rather be judged by twelve than carried by six” – Marc MacYoung

I’d rather be judged by 12, than carried by six … When someone mouths this cliché, I have a hard time keeping my cool. Because most people’s understanding of the concept means the next 12 people they come across will be the 12 dudes raping them in the prison showers.Now, I really don’t care about the … [Read more…]

Are you getting screwed by your ‘self-defense’ training? – Marc MacYoung

When it comes to self-defense, many people want one-stop-shopping. Man, if they know this one ultimate martial art style, it’s is all they need. I hear this a lot. Usually in the form of being asked, ‘which martial art style is best for self-defense?’ Or ‘what do you think about (fill in the blank) for … [Read more…]

Can you teach self-defense if you haven’t ‘been there?” – Marc MacYoung

I am often asked that question. Can someone who hasn’t spent years fighting teach you anything about self-defense?  Well aside from the first glaring error that fighting is not self-defense, the answer is “It depends.” It depends on something very specific. Below is my answer to someone who asked this very question.**********The answer lies in the information, not necessarily … [Read more…]

Paradigm Pitfalls – Dead Ends, Loops, and Wrong Turns – Marc MacYoung

The journey of self-defense is filled with dead ends, loops, and wrong turns that could cause you to back track years of training. Here are a few of them:  MARTIAL ARTS:Martial Arts for Self-Defense Traditional Martial Arts vs. “Real” Fighting  Mixed Martial Arts Grappling Lies, Damned Lies and Martial Arts Myths CULTS: Cults in the … [Read more…]