Q&R: How do I Handle a Haymaker Punch – Marc MacYoung (Conflict Manager, FEBRUARY, 2016)

The simple answer is ‘See it coming and move.’ The not so simple answer is I just finished writing a 150 page e-book that covers this subject. It will be available next month. It’s called “Writing Violence IV: Defense” and it will be available for a whopping $2.99. I specifically go into some of why … [Read more…]

Kind word and a gun vs. unarmed rudeness – Marc MacYoung

I originally posted a snarky comment over a link to “I’m tired of being kind to creepy men in order to be safe.” Yes, that is the title. Here’s the link… http://www.theguardian.com/commenti… My snarky comment was: ~spitting on the floor~ Rude doesn’t do shit against a predator. It hurts the innocent (and socially awkward). It … [Read more…]

Muscle – Marc MacYoung

Ninety five percent of all martial arts training is based on the assumption that the person doing it has normal physical abilities. With defensive tactics you are closer to 100%. While this is not in itself a bad thing, what has happened is that a philosophy of “muscle” has evolved. That is to say, if … [Read more…]

Mushy Body Movement – Marc MacYoung

Whether you study a traditional martial art, a modern martial art, a self-defense system, defensive tactics or close quarter combat, all must meet one basic criteria: They must teach you how to control force. Notice I didn’t say ‘generate.’ That’s because generating force is only one aspect of controlling force. Specifically, you  must be able … [Read more…]

Effective Movement – Marc MacYoung

Upon hearing the idea of any physical conflict being over in three moves people have different reactions. Cops and correctional officers — who’ve had their share of defensive tactics go wrong — usually look skeptical at who said it. Some martial artists believe that their devastating Ancient fighting style would be capable of doing just … [Read more…]