Politeness (Or: Before you throw him out the window…) – Marc MacYoung (Conflict Manager, MARCH, 2016)

  You’re going to get some homework with this article. But you’ll be a better communicator for it. If nothing else, it will help you articulate why you did what you did when being polite didn’t work. Forbes Magazine ran a web article, ” 21 Ways To Leave A Never-Ending Conversation Without Being Rude.” It’s … [Read more…]

Half of what you think you know about rape is wrong, the problem is you don’t know which half.” – Marc MacYoung

  There is an old Firesign Theater album titled “Everything You Know is Wrong.” There’s also a John Wannamaker quote “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I just don’t know which half.” We can blend the two to get a “Half of what you think you know about rape … [Read more…]

Pyramid of Denial (A follow up to “Stop Kicking The Dog. It’s About to Bite”) – Marc MacYoung

I’m wrestling with a ‘pyramid of denial’ in regard to the “Stop kicking the Dog” note I published. (Although it’s been suggested that I call this MacYoung’s Hierarchy of Screeds.) As I’ve been tracking the shares and comments and the comments on the original I’m seeing a strong attitude “Well, I’m not kicking those ignorant … [Read more…]

Stop Kicking That Dog. It’s About to Bite. (An open letter to liberals about their hatred.) – Marc MacYoung

I’m writing this during the 2016 election campaign. However, it’s a concept that has been a long time coming and — quite frankly — the potential for violence scares the hell out of me. Stop and let that sink in for a moment … violence professional … expert on the subject of violence… scared of … [Read more…]

Circle Straddlers (dealing with subtle unacceptable behavior) – Marc MacYoung

There is a behavior I call “circle straddling’ (although as you’ll see, “line waddling” works too.) Think of a circle of socially acceptable behaviors. Inside that circle social convention keeps you safe. For example, if you don’t say certain things (follow social ‘rules’), you won’t get hit, stabbed or shot (more social rules). Here’s a … [Read more…]

A State Monopoly on Violence? (and how that influences self-defense) – Marc MacYoung

 Do you believe the government (the State) should have a monopoly on use of force? Not just ‘violence,’ but ALL uses of force. I ask this because if you are of the opinion that violence is always bad (there’s never an acceptable reason for it) then your position will more likely lean towards the monopoly … [Read more…]

Q&R: When is “Violence the Answer”? – Marc MacYoung

“Violence is seldom the answer. But when it is it’s the only answer.” The ‘only answer’ version is Tim Larkin. While I heartily agree with the sentiment, I disagree with the phrasing. I scale it to ‘the best answer’, ‘ or ‘most effective,’ or ‘most appropriate.’ Why? ‘ “Violence is seldom the answer, but when … [Read more…]

Q&R: What if I am getting off the ‘train,’ alone, at night and a guy starts following me…

*** Here’s the thing, DON’T confront these guys unless you’re ready to rock and roll. A lot of street rats and skells do indeed do something weird and attention grabbing to test your reaction. They also get verbally offensive and try to turn it around onto you when called on their behavior. (“I’m not following … [Read more…]