The Progressive Fence – Erik Kondo

The Progressive Fence is a model for understanding how to communicate and enforce limits on unwanted behavior during interpersonal conflicts and confrontations. It all starts with the Visual Fence of body language. We can talk about the importance of walking with purpose, being alert and aware of our surroundings, and projecting confidence.  But that is … [Read more…]

Violence Dynamics: The First Model – Rory Miller

The idea is simple.  If you are in danger of dying—starving, thirsty, sick or about to be killed and eaten– that is your highest priority. Until you have taken care of your immediate survival needs you don’t give a damn, and you don’t waste resources, on anything else. Once your immediate physical needs are taken care of, you can … [Read more…]

On Strategies, Tactics, and Techniques – Erik Kondo

Why effective Techniques and Tactics don’t necessarily create effective Strategies. There are basic TACTICS that people use in response to confrontation and conflict. These responses are the sum of (1) their instinctive behaviors, (2) behaviors that are learned and conditioned from being a member of society, and (3) behaviors that are learned and conditioned from … [Read more…]

The Five Stages of Violent Crime – Marc MacYoung

The Five Stages of Violent Crime is an internationally recognized system to identify if — and determine when and if — you are   being set up for a crime or violence. It is used by police, military and firearms instructors around the world as a training and  teaching tool. Also the system is taught internationally in self … [Read more…]