Validating – Rory Miller

Long good talk with Erik Kondo last week about improving navigation on CRGI and many other things. Stay tuned on that, there are a couple of ongoing projects I need to write about soon. In the process we were talking about identifying good practices and practitioners, and I was balking. “My idea of good may not be someone else’s. … [Read more…]

Six Problems with Lisak’s Work – Marc MacYoung

I’ve always had problems with Lisak’s work. I’ve especially had problems with people who use his works as Holy Writ about rape and rapists and why we need draconian laws. I’ve had too many extremists claim “All rapists are serial rapists” and demand excessive punishment because anyone who is accused of rape — using Lisak’s ever … [Read more…]

The College Sexual Assault and Alcohol Link: A Non-Ideological Explanation – Erik Kondo

  Without the presence of a person with violating intent, there can be no sexual assault. Therefore, in such a situation regardless of how much a person drinks, she or he will not get intentionally sexually assaulted. That factual logic is the bases for the argument that dinking does not cause sexually assault. According to … [Read more…]

The Victim Bubble – Marc MacYoung

Springboarding off my snarl about ‘victimology’ (and in response to someone’s comment about dissuading muggers) An idea I’ve been working on is what I’m calling the ‘isolation bubble.’ As in people going through modern life as if they are in a mental/emotional/ physical force field that keeps everything at bay and they don’t have to … [Read more…]

Why Keyboard Warriors and their Comments are so Dumb: a/k/a Idjits Gonna Idj – Erik Kondo

  Anyone who has ever demonstrated a self-defense technique or concept via video has been subject to critical comments coming from people who can be best described as Keyboard Warriors. These people feel they have the unique combination of knowledge and physical skill that provides them the ability to cast judgment on the effectiveness of … [Read more…]

You and Everyone Else – Marc MacYoung

You have your anger, so does everyone else.You have your pain, so does everyone else.You have your frustration, so does everyone else.You have your history, so does everyone else.You have your rationalizations for the bad things you do, so does everyone else.You have your self-righteousness, so does everyone else.You have your crosses to bear, again, … [Read more…]